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Contribute to the Plaque Fund
The Plessy and Ferguson Foundation is partnering with Beecher Memorial United Church of Christ and other organizations to place a plaque on or near the site of the Valena C. Jones Elementary School. We must raise a minimum of $2,700.00 to have the plaque made. Please join us in acknowledging one of New Orleans most historic pubic schools by donating to the Valena C. Jones Plaque Fund.
The Plessy and Ferguson Foundation is partnering with the BeecherUnited Church of Christ and other local organizations in an effort to place a plaque on or near the site of the Valena C. Jones School in the 7th Ward. In order to place a historic marker on a site we must get the state to approve the text that will be on the plaque and then we must raise a minimum of $2,700.00 to have the plaque made. Please consider helping us honor one of our cities city's most historic public schools by donating to the Valena C. Jones Plaque Fund. We have provided a some links in order for you to read about the history of Jones School. and see some of the illustrations still on the walls today that were originally drawn by Keith Plessy, a former Jones student, in 1979.
Read about the history of the Valena C. Jones school.
Valena C. Jones School, completed in 1929
Previous Plaque Sites
February 12, 2009 - On the 100th Anniversary of Lincoln's birthday, a plaque honoring Homer Plessy and the Citizen's Committee was unveiled at the corner of Press and Royal streets, thanks to the efforts and contributions of the Crescent City Peace Alliance, The NOCCA Institue, The Plessy and Ferguson Foundation and the citizen's of New Orleans.
November 14, 2010, on the 50th Anniversary of the Integration of the public elementary schools in New Orleans and the Deep South, a plaque was unveiled . This plaque was placed in the 5900 block of Saint Claude Avenue across the street from the McDonough # 19 elementary school.
We hope you will join us, by donating to The Plaque Fund to help us continue to place historic markers at sites where American Civil Rights History took place.